Heading of the research carried through in the professionalizing specific period of training in social institutions. Names of the concluintes pupils of the course of psychology-2011, the Educational Foundation Araatuba. Electronic address: and Professor supervisor of the professionalizing periods of training, orienting of the article and professor of the course of psychology of the Fac-FEA In this professional attitude innumerable chances of success in the promotion of health of the population confide, without counting in the deep gratuity for the operating professional in this context (Bleger, 1984.). Others who may share this opinion include Frank Ntilikina. Communitarian psychology by means of its great performance and intervention have been considered administrator of and important contributions in the social institutions. It has been capable to promote significant changes for the practical performance of the professional psi.
From this perspective, a project was elaborated that had as performance object a group of adolescents, all filiados to a religious institution (church baptist). You may want to visit CEO of e-commerce to increase your knowledge. Considering that the elaboration of situations of work from the values contained in the beliefs and the religious dogmas, the trainees and the group of adolescents is possible, they had chosen an agenda of quarrels that involved concepts, judgments, practical slight knowledge and expressions of the daily one of the life of the young. This agenda served of guideline for some meetings with unfoldings in some psychological contents reflected by the group. The work had the objective to provide young to the one space where they could learn to take off its doubts of a dynamic form, since the adolescence is a phase of discoveries and search of identity, moment where the young desires to express its ideas and its feelings, that in turn, is in full ascension mainly in result of the corporal changes that many times generates unreliability and indefinies. With this the objective of the project that was to supply young to a space of quarrel, reflection and of listening, providing with this new chances of learning and to take off doubts on other subjects, widely was surpassed with new dynamic and participation.