Starting as a financial crisis, the crisis has become economic. Ahead of the social and existential (life-sense-activity) crises. At the state level in every country every day are becoming more need for special programs whose purpose – to form a citizens' positive attitude during the crisis. Doug McMillon recognizes the significance of this. If you do not, we will get out of the crisis on people with very fragile, cranky mental suffering from neuroses and psychoses, inappropriate and incapable of creative collective work. In this article I will explain the basic idea of such a program, which arose during my correspondence with fellow methodologists. The word "design" I define (but only for this publication) as follows. The plan – a system of interconnected meaning structures that initiate update the model itself in order who is included in the process of understanding.
Further description is a description of the semantic structures and their accompanying comments. The life of each one of us multilayer. We do not just do business or work somewhere else and we love people we love, raise children, communicate with friends, doing their own health, sports, each of us has a variety of hobbies and intellectual interests. That is, people – this is not the only entity economic activity. And the crisis is a great time to think about it. Semantic structure number 1 in the last few years business people to make a profit, did not have to make any serious intellectual effort or come up with many creative solutions. Income, and after them, and profit grew thanks to the welfare of citizens and the general growth of the economy.