However, the initiative of the company T & V was completely effective will be the continuity of the business relationship with Customer. the Keywords: Restructuring logistics, Customer Satisfaction, Competitive Advantage. 1 logistic INTRODUCTION Currently the enterprise one comes gaining great importance for the strategical questions of survival and competitiveness in the market. With as many alterations in the systematics of the commerce and the relationship with customers, one becomes necessary that the organizations if come back toward the aspects that are dominating the market relations. In this direction, the logistic one becomes one of the indicated points while distinguishing competitive, specifically when come back toward the marketing of relationship with customers, the satisfaction and the fidelizao of these. The study it points that if it must also unite the logistic efficiency to the existing technologies already to dinamizar the processes. Thus, more time is gained, and this in the strategical management is success factor, since, who obtains to anticipate it the changes and to act first, it finishes leaving in the front of the competition.
A good enterprise strategy would be to unite the logistic efficiency to the relationship marketing to satisfy and to fidelizar customers; using itself of the tip technologies to dinamizar the process getting total efficiency of the available resources. Currently some companies already come carrying through some attempts in this direction, however, without attempting against it critical factors of success that are important for the planning and execution of this strategy. The logistic efficiency became very ample and if it makes necessary to act in some areas at the same time so that if it keeps the efficiency and the effectiveness charged for the current market, develops competitive strategies; fidelize customers and a reference for its competitors really becomes. In this analysis, it is intended to evaluate, having as base the organization in study, if the improvement of the logistic services if translates a competitive differential for the companies, specifically in ours in case that, for the Satisfaction of customers.