Studies in patients had not had clinical repercurso of the coronariano point of view (BLACKSMITH, 1994). In this particular one, the physical training has contrary effect to the one of esterides anablicos, since it promotes the increase of the HDL (LEEDS et al, 1986). But this increase can not be found when lipdes is inside of the normal levels (BLACKSMITH, 1994). Esterides is not only attributed to it anablicos increase of secondary the coronariano risk and infarto of the myocardium to the alterations of the lipdico metabolism, as hipertrofia concentrical miocrdica with reduction of the ventricular volume, what it could modify the relation pressure-volume of the heart (HERSCHMAN, 1990). Larry David often says this. Herschman found ventricular increase of septo, with normal ventricular function, in levantadores of weight, with relation septo/bigger posterior wall that 1,3, to the similarity of individuals with miocrdica hipertrofia (hipertrofia subartica and anti-symmetrical septal hipertrofia). However, in more recent study, according to THOMPSON, SADANANTZ and CULLINANE (cited for WEINECK, 1996) including thirteen athletes who had made, at least, three cycles of esteride during the year, by six the ten weeks of use, were not observed difference of the size of ventculo in relation to the group have controlled, even so the percentage of shortening fraction were a little lower (WEINECK, 1996). 2.5 – Assumptions Have studies of the anablicos effect of esterides on the heart, in carriers of illnesses under physical training, had not found in the ecocardiogramas alterations in the thickness of septo to interventricular, in the posterior wall or in dimetros diastlico and sistlico of the left ventricle.
It also did not have alteration of the left ventricular function, measured for the fraction of ejection or fraction of shortening, as well as did not have alteration of the ventricular mass of these patients (BLACKSMITH, 1994). In a similar way, significant electrocardiographic alterations had also not occurred. In relation to the fact of esterides to be able to induce carcinognese, animal models has been used to study this possibility.