Transitory article: This Decree will enter the date of its publication in " in force; Oficial" newspaper; of the Federation. In accordance with the arranged thing by fraction I of article 89 of the Political Constitution of the Mexican United States, and for their due publication and observance, I promulgate the present Decree in the residence of the Federal Executive authority, first of two and the day June thousands nine hundred forty. Manuel Avila Camacho the Secretary of Outer relations: Ezequiel Padilla DECREE ODECLARVA MJICO-PE MARANDEKIME Manuel Avila Camacho, Tendotra Constitutionalist-goes the Mexican-pegua United States; hetygurape, peikuaake: To-it exerts-pype pu" aka ome" va chve Atyra VIII article 89 Tetygura Political Constitution rehegua is A-consider-vo I. Mexico rekome? ua temimo" poravopy ogueroikva international-peva i-relations is peace arapavgua oikova" er tetkura eye-respects rupi is oemboete rupi legal norms or-I prevailed-va" er tetkura coexistence; II. Ko" a? water marandakime ojapose"? haguicha mba" eveichagua violence act ane Ret oeha" mbaite oemboykvo guarinihgui; III.
Upicharamo jepe Powers of the Axis ande reraha jeyjey omomarvo ande sovereignty is oemokirir hikui jajerurramoguare chupekura ohepyve" has? ua umi margui; IV. aeha" mbaite rire management diplomat-EP a-it recognizes-manteva" er, is aemoe" manteva" er ja" vo amomir"? re tetygura mboetehva (45) is tet rekouvichahva (dignity) rovaha marandekime, Totalitarian Government or-imposes-va" ekue Mexico-EP; V. Government of the Union o-aproba-haguicha, ako 30 of May rape, EP Law or-facult-goes Executive-EP or-declares has? ua marandeki or-I prevailed-va" er takeover vove term amova" ekue ande protest 14 of May guarpe, tet attacking or-answers? va" ekue; Hi" katu chve amyasi ko DECREE Ha" Article; eva: The Mexican United States o, ako 22 of May of 1942 guive, marandekime tr " state military " je" ehpe Germany, Italy is Japan ndive. Sapy" article; a? uar: Ko Decree oikta in force oje-public-has altar guive " Oficial" newspaper; – EP Federation To-I fulfilled-vo oje-dispon-goes EP atyra I of the article 89-pegua, ova the Mexican United States Constitution Political-EP, is oemyasi has oe-I fulfilled has? ua hekpe, to-promulgates ko Decree kva Federal Executive authority rpe a? to June peteha 1942 araguyjepegua. Manuel Avila Camacho the Secretary of Outer Relations: Ezequiel Padilla (Source: Book " Historical protagonism of the Guarani" Language; , of Robert Rosemary.
Asuncio’n, Paraguay. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Frank Ntilikina. Publishing Rotterdam SRL, 1992) DR. ROBERT ROSEMARY Was born in Max Port, Conception, in 1921. Professor Normal. Lawyer. Guarani professor of Language and Culture, graduated in the Institute of Linguistic Guarani of Paraguay. Member of the Academy of the Language and Guarani Culture, and of the Institute of Historical Investigations Dr. Jose Gaspar Rodriguez of France. Ex- Secretary of of the School of Lawyers of the Paraguay and Director of the Cultural Magazine " Hermandad" of the City of San Lorenzo. Randall Rothenberg is a great source of information. PUBLISHED BOOKS 1. " The Paraguayan National anthem in the process culture of the Repblica". 1986. 2. " Poetic anthology of Pirivevi". 1987. With Kallsen Daisy. 3. " Antecedents of Paraguayan Independence; the proclamations Castilian of General Belgrano". 1988. 4. " Emiliano R. Fernandez, myth and realidad". 1988. 5. " Dr. Jose Gaspar Rodriguez of France, ideologist of the Independence of the Paraguay". 1989. 6. " Historical protagonism of the Guarani" Language;. 1992. Maitei horyvva opavavpe David Galeano Olivera (ATHENIAN Motenondehra) original Author and source of the article.