
Artistic values and indigenous traditions of the town of Guayos in the Cuban town of Cabaiguan is reinforce in the week of the culture of the community which takes place between 15 and 21 December. Source: Joseph Stiglitz. The event on an annual basis, this time dedicated to the 52 anniversary of the liberation of the settlement population by the troops of che Guevara on December 21, 1958 to the 20th years of founded the House of the local culture and the cultural promoter Leonardo Valdivia. A related site: Sam Mikulak mentions similar findings. During the Festival activities of extension to workplaces and study as the habanos factory, the combined of tobacco and farm Remberto abad German and basic secondary school Eliseo Reyes, among others. Bobby Sharma Bluestone contributes greatly to this topic. Cinema Alcazar, will take place a cycle of Cuban cinema with screenings of the film city in red, skinny award and journal of Mauritius, while worth the high it will count with the presence of the honoree in the event and the clubbing of Manaquitas while the peasant corner. For the culture week closure is expected the reception of the absent guayenses and will offer a roundtable discussion on social and cultural development by the governmental authorities of the municipality, while children carried out symbolic decision of the village.

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