Already the disadvantages are raised custoe the necessity of selection centers. In Brazil, aresponsabilidade to collect garbage is of the cities. The coletaseletiva programs are implanted by half of communitarian initiatives or the poderpblico. However, some cities create proper laws prescribed acoleta selective. Although it is municipal deresponsabilidade, given the relevance, the collection of the residues is federal umapreocupao. Decurrent of this context, Resolution CONAMA275/01 was created, that establishes the code of colors to be adopted in the identification decoletores and transporters, as well as in the informative campaigns for the coletaseletiva of garbage (BRAZIL, 2001). When sefala of solid residues, that is, of garbage, exists the theories of the R’ s. Some autoresfalam in 3 R’ s, others in 4 R’ s and others, still, in 5 R’ s, after all to qualutilizar? Before deciding which concept of R’ s must be applied, becomes to necessriosaber what in general, each one of these classifications means, portantobaseado in Rabbit (2008): 3R’ s: To reduce, To reuse and To recycle, used atualmenteo more; 4 R’ s: To reduce, To recycle, To reuse and To reintegrate, are on the management of the residues; 5 R’ s: To reduce, To reuse, To recycle, To rethink to eRecusar, were adapted to favor processes of Ambient Education, therefore it is umconceito more practical and more applicable in our day the day as consuming.
Therefore, inferirque can the motivation for the implantation of a program of selective collection of lixorene several of these aspects. Practical actions that, in the day the day, they can propitiate reduction of the impact on the planet, improving the current life and contributing it eats quality of life of the next generations. a case study organizao’ must serdesenvolvido from the one analysis; ‘.