According to the data of the survey carried out in 2008 by the Mental Health and abuse of toxic substances (SAMHSA) service management, had 19.3 million people in the United States that fell under the rules indicating the need to receive treatment for alcohol abuse. However, only about 8% of these people actually ended up going to a rehabilitation center. The survey also revealed that another 4.5% of people who were account that had the problem of alcohol abuse, decided not to seek help through some kind of treatment. In addition, the survey stated that 87% of the remaining persons, neither received nor perceived the need for rehabilitation. His idea of treatment was that of withdrawal, tolerance, legal problems, use of alcohol in dangerous situations, and interference from the alcohol at home, school or work responsibilities. The reasons given by people who were not receiving treatment were varied. Some people They said they were not ready to stop drinking in excess, while others said that the cost and barriers by insurance companies were the obstacles which prevented them going to a rehabilitation center.
For many people in the field of addiction treatment, these reasons do not surprise them. The two main barriers we’ve seen someone will begin a rehabilitation program are those described by the SAMHSA, explains Erica Catton Director of promotion of Narconon of the United States of this part. But with more than 8% of our people addicted to alcohol, make successful treatment more accessible is the best solution to end this problem.Addiction and alcohol abuse costs Americans billions of dollars and thousands of lives each year. It is also a very large contributing factor with many other social problems such as the spread of diseases, domestic violence, pregnancy in adolescents, and car accidents. According to the Control Center for disease (CDC), there is an average of 79,000 deaths related to alcohol each year and the excessive use of alcohol is now the third of the major causes of death in activities of daily life of American citizens.I have no doubt that something extremely tragic could happen as a result of my habit to take, said a rehabilitated alcoholic called Aaron. I was very lucky not having killed someone or have I killed myself because of some of the many stupid things that made when he was drunk. Fortunately my family found the correct help for my until was too late.Aaron went to a drug rehabilitation center and spirit of Narconon and until now has remained sober for 10 years. Narconon has several long-term treatment centers across the country which have an average of more than 70% of permanent sobriety success.