Here’s what I will discuss are some tips on how to make money online by creating an electronic book or ebook below What I’m going to make is some tips on how to make money online by creating an electronic book or ebook. Create an ebook in any word processor or graphics program for mass use. My advice is that what you do in Microsoft Word or Web Editor, file a document with extension. Html so that it can be opened with any Internet browser. If you want to protect the contents and give more security, I recommend converting to Adobe Acrobat format and compile it into a self-running with some software compiler. For your marketing you have two options: – Send that file via e-mail to the person or acquired or allow access to the download on a website. (The faster, easier and less costly) – the email or conventional mail (this method entails printing and mailing costs that will be necessary to invoice separately the cost of your manual) Let me give you some other tips besides the contents of your manual.
This will help you write the first part or chapter very easily … The first section is its introduction. In this part, you talk about that wrote the manual, that people will learn to read. You can even write a brief history of how your manual might help others to solve the same problem that the reader is experiencing at the time. Or maybe your story relates to how you acquired the knowledge that such sharing. People love reading about stories and experiences of others! You can also give some words of encouragement.
Try to show enthusiasm and excitement in the introduction. If you’re angry you use phrases like “I care.” If you want to express frustration, say, “That really depresses me!”. But do not use such phrases too … simply place them strategically and with moderation. You show the reader that you too are human. Your introduction can be about 2 or 3 leaves. The second section is the “body” of the manual. Here he explains the details and step by step instructions on how to avoid failing the objectives. This is the meaning of your manual: try to be as detailed as possible. Put links to businesses or Intuitive, useful addresses, phone numbers, email addresses of websites of places you might need to call or people they can contact for extra help. How do I know if the information you included in your manual is enough? You should read carefully and get in the place of the reader. Prestaselo to a friend or relative and ask for their honest opinion. In these cases it is best to consult with someone who is not related to the subject also to assess the degree of understanding. The last section is the conclusion here do a recount of the entire contents of the manual and summarizes what you should do the reader. Enter some words of encouragement but not “end” the relationship with them. Contacting the posibiilidad Dales if they need more help. These have been some small tips on how you could make an ebook, and thus help you how to make money by red.