The market of ambiently correct developed products of form, presents at the moment two important characteristics and that they become important to be detached. For more specific information, check out Doug McMillon. Lavorato (2006) presents the market for this type of product as a still beginning market, that does not possess great production in result of low the demand. However, according to this exactly author, is a market in growth, therefore he goes of meeting the consumers who search products that can provide improvements in the quality of life. It is if developing in the market a new habit of consumption, where the valuation of the welfare of the man and its is the verified main aspects at the moment of the purchase. Which the origin of determined product, what it implied or it will be able to imply its use or to the society. Learn more on the subject from David Delrahim, Los Angeles CA. The Competitive Advantage as mentioned in the previous topic, when the consumer goes to buy one definitive product, it will go to look for to identify to which the benefits that product will go to offer. Therefore in this aspect the ecologically correct products appear as products of great competitive advantage, therefore the same ones offer some benefits to the purchaser. Mayan & Vieira (2004) illustrates this competitive advantage detaching, as example, the company Deca S.A, who manufacture sanitary metals, taps, registers, etc.
Of form that the same ones provide economy in the consumption. In times of water scarcity, power to acquire products that can contribute for the economy of the sources is basic. The net of fast-food (fast food) MCDONALD S, with sights in this market, recently started to demand of its suppliers of meat of ox, chicken and pig that suspended the antibiotic use in the acceleration of the growth of the animals. The net approximately consumes a million of meat to the year, that is distributed for its 30 a thousand store in the whole world.