The German capital is looking forward to a new World Cup summer tale 2009 Berlin is booming as a sports town – Ostel is booming with with the World Championships in athletics 2009 the German capital is again this year host of the world’s biggest sporting event. \”Also the annual Berlin Marathon, the stadium Festival ISTAF, Speed Skating Championships or the held for the first time in September in Berlin Champions Trophy of the Turner bring Berlin regularly in the sports headlines (source: dpa): worldwide sports event 2009: 1,800 athletes, 213 Nations, 47 decisions, 500,000 spectators in the Olympic Stadium, over 1,000,000 spectators at the marathon and walking: the 2006 World Cup final and the games of the German national team in the Olympic Stadium are O2 World – Berlin sports city center and remain as a summer fairy tale\” unforgotten. Berlin has fought for its reputation as the German sports capital of not only through this peak. Make sure\”the top teams of the city E.g. Football Club Herta BSC or the basketball player of albatrosses, the ALBA giant. And last ice hockey season the polar bear, which thrilled more than 13,000 fans with the opening of the new venue in the O2 world. Berlin events around the World Cup in the OSTblog removed a few ball throws from the O2 Arena the Ostel located. For sports fans, so ideally the interesting sporting events as well as the sports events of the 12th IAAF walking. To celebrate this summer fairy 2009, the Olympic Stadium as a venue of sporting competitions get a temporary counterpart from the world of Arts: the KulturStadion at Pariser Platz: on 14 August there are on the other side of the Brandenburg Gate the official welcome night with artists such as SUNRISE AVENUE, Nadja Michael, and many more. \”With their comeback super hit form the end of a-ha foot of the mountain\”, the official World Cup song brilliant finale and start signal for a great world championship.