Judging by the extraordinarily positive reader response to Po Bronson What should I do with my life, people are hurt in a comprehensive view of their stories of career dissatisfaction. They tend to be their own harshest critics, often full of doubt and shame of not receiving this "career thing" right. Maintain a constructive attitude is a challenge. Although statistics against – like the average American eight times change jobs during his life – which still tend to hope that "we" decide to late 20s and early 30 is what we do and follow the thread for the rest of our working lives. If you would like to know more about Marc Lore, then click here. As T. says, "My search for work that I love is considered by my friends as a picture of a child who is put in the refrigerator? Is not it cute!" If you are in a career transition, what is the marking you're doing to yourself? Do any of these sound familiar? If it looks good on my curriculum, which does not count Maybe I should stop worrying about my vocation and get a job I've never been happy in a job? I have to look elsewhere for the fulfillment I have responsibilities. You can not afford to look for work I love What if I find my dream job and I'm still satisfied? How can I explain to people? If this is done in a courtroom rather than inside his head, his lawyer, no doubt, plead extenuating circumstances. Ask yourself: What did you learn in formal education to make a good career? When encouraged to match their skills, values and personality to career choices, and shows how? Would you consider marrying someone who had not first? Have you ever told him that he is qualified to do something that earns a decent wage is not sufficient reason to keep doing it? Do you know where you can get booster to continue his passion for work? Did you models to match the changes in the work with the changes in the stage of life? Did you know that having an identity crisis or turmoil in 10 years is considered normal and healthy, and identity is very much in love and work? Case rests.