As Japan defeated the crisis through the quality management system. In the fifties of the twentieth century Japan was a dilapidated state. Atomic bombings of Americans have left the Japanese no chance for further development. But the political situation allowed the Japanese to get the American advisers to lift its economy. Since Japan was a little devastated, defeated but proud country, then she grabbed for this remained the only chance for development. In Japan, there are no natural resources, no oil, gas, timber, how to climb out of the situation to the Japanese as a consultant to come if not the world-famous consultant on the theory of quality management, . Japanese have listened carefully to his speech, recorded and implemented in their companies and what they could do. Edward Deming wrote several scientific methodologies, For example, three pragmatic theory, fourteen points, dwell on the fourteen points of Deming. Each item in the Japanese Deming memorized, chased away by itself and implemented at the enterprises, the results began to appear five years later, after after which postulates Deming to Japanese steel as a sacred scripture, and modify them could not even myself Deming. Enumerate the postulates does not make sense, but they all boil down to the continual improvement quality during operation of the enterprise, improve the quality of each production process. For example, no employee of output (quality or defective), and the system, the system produces, not the individual worker, and to improve the quality of the products needed to improve all the same quality of all processes, not drive business penalties. By the way paragraphs Deming clearly states that do not penalize working for the admitted marriage work, which leads to the fact that marriage is starting to hide from the leadership, but it is not good for final output. Here are the Japanese, following these tenets, first invaded the market with cheap low-quality products such as fake watches, cars, clothes and so on, that we learn now from handwriting Chinese have taken, and then every year they have to do everything better and better and eventually took away thirty percent of the automotive market products from the Americans overwhelmed the entire electronics world, and winning the trust of the consumer, raised prices for its products. Items theory of Deming for the past fifty years have not changed, as shown, they are doing well proved. You can look at the success of companies that are implementing the quality management system and on businesses that do not control the quality of their enterprise. International quality standards based on iso Deming's points, the requirements for the organization of production, the requirements for staffing the organization's policies, all these points stated in the iso quality standards based on Demingovoy theory. What is Deming's theory has not changed for the past fifty years, there has not changed, there are new theories that govern the quality improvement of each individual process.