The inclusion does not take care of only the children with deficiency, but also the excluded ones or discriminated how many times in classrooms when organizing works in groups, the girl gordinha or the black boy had been isolated for the colleagues? in the lesson of Physical Education, how many they had been ignored by not being exmios players? The discrimination does not occur only between students, many times the evaluations serves more to see who if it incases in the standards of ideal pupil of what to measure the progress of each one. We can conclude exactly, observing that the modern time has witnessed a movement in the recovery direction and valuation of the identities of the people in its different aspects, cultural, historical, religious and physicists. The recovery and the valuation of the identities are a rich and beneficial process that can give to the people most sensible its existence and to open way for new conquests. Nowadays the special Education is understood as the education modality that has as objective to break the barriers that hinder the child to exert its citizenship, when if the first thought speaks in benefits that the inclusion brings, that appears is of that the people with deficiency have more possibilities of if developing, but in the truth all gain when exercising the tolerance and the respect, is needs to have contact with these children to see that difficult not to deal with them, the children also perceives how much it is necessary to observe and to respect the necessities of the friends. One of the great solutions Schools to be able them to work with the inclusion are the partnerships and thus to guarantee a good attendance, normally in the normal schools they do not exist specialized attendance, but all the children with deficiency frequent specialized institutions that work in partnership with the schools. .