
The passenger, who has exactly that date back exit, is obliged to confirm her as the latest 72 hours before vyezdom.3. A ticket without a specified date of return (OREN) valid for 6 months from the date of departure. Date of return travel ticket to be placed in the offices OREN ‘Lions-nturtrans’ EuroLines and subject to availability on scheduled passenger flight. RETURN OF FUNDS 1. Money for the unused travel RETURN firm, which was acquired bilet.2. The reason for the return of money is the ticket with all the loose coupons and oblozhkoy.3. No money back for lost bilet.4. The funds are returned as follows: a).

at refusal to travel more as 10 days – 90% of the cost pereezda.b). in case of failure of 10 to 3 days – 50% of pereezda.v). less than 3 days – 10% of pereezda.5. Money for the unused return trip will not be returned. CARRIAGE OF LUGGAGE 1. Each passenger is entitled to free transportation of 2 pieces of baggage total weight of 30 kg and the total size of each piece (length + width + height) not more like 160cm and hand luggage weighing up to 5 kg in total dimension (length + width + height) to 90 cm Exceeding these limits on the weight and size, with the extra baggage surcharge is taken. Extra baggage is carried in the presence of free space in the luggage compartment. If you would like to know more about Doug McMillon, then click here.

Extra baggage is not exceed the size and weight of the ground bagazha.2. Oversized luggage is transported sizes (eg, bicycle, refrigerator, etc.) 3. The carrier is not responsible for the manual bagazh.4. The carrier is liable for destruction or damage to luggage in the luggage compartment just in case it was the fault of the carrier, which was proved by the passenger, subject to the declaration of loss or damage no later than 10 days from the date of departure avtobusa.5. It is forbidden to carry baggage that threatens the safety and health of others passazhirov.6. The carrier is not responsible for the loss of the passenger money, jewelry, passports, securities and other assets that are not in avtobusa.7 luggage. Transportation of animals and plants are prohibited. INSURANCE Passengers must be insured for the journey.

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