Thus the individuals, companies and institutions politics reorganize and reorganize the area politics to get competitive advantages, through the dispute for the natural resources, hand of cheap workmanship, new commercial markets and bigger profits. To the considered being all the globe as competitive space, becomes necessary the attainment of the greater to be able possible for the success of each operation. For being able, it is understood as ' ' the ability of the individuals to impose its desires on others and to compel them to execute it definitive actions, exactly against its proper vontade' ' (MCBRIDE, 2011, p.441). The power can be applied for imposition and maintenance of the law and the order, which they co-ordinate, regulates and controls the collective behavior in a community or specific society, and also it are of it. By the same author: Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. Different levels of being able in the societies exist, as well as between the same ones.
Eric Wolf (1999) detached the importance of being extended to the level macro of being able, call of being able structural, which organizes and manages the sistmica interaction in the society and between them, with the direction of the economic forces and politics, beyond the ideological forces which mold ideas, beliefs and values. The concept of being able structural one does not apply only to the organizations politics, but also it is part of the new complex global forces which all reorganize and remodel the societies and environments in the planet. In the search for trying to influence the States, the corporations multinationals exert the structural power. The same it is associated with the relative importance of the company in the national economies. In other words, the national economies, in greater or minor degree, are structurally dependents of capital (BERHANGEN, 2003; GILL; LAW, 1993). Of this form, the structural power of the companies multinationals invariably is on with the transport of the company and the question of the mobility of the capital. .