During the fourth decade of century XX, with the sprouting of the state Public Universities, the model of the ENP reproduces in almost all the country. When arising this transplant the models positivista it follows effective, but the objective of Preparatory, that in the model of Barreda was to train a young intellectual, loving of the culture and the beautiful arts, the one of the Forties does not become propedutico, that is to say educates to continue studies in the University. This new objective of the educative cycle gives to the preparatory education a new turn: its curriculum becomes besides positivista, enciclopedista. In the decade of the years setentas of century XX the population growth and the demand of studies for this level, took to the UNAM to the creation of the School of Sciences and Humanities with a curricular model of baccalaureate that broke with the positivista and encyclopedic model and implanted one that prepared for the work, without neglecting the formation humanist and the acquisition of abilities for communication. In 1972 the ANUIES, in their XIV Ordinary Assembly, offered a new red-baptize structure for preparatory like Education the Average Superior, whose objective it was the integral formation of the young person by means of three curricular axes that were based on: activities of learning, activities for students and qualification for the work.
A year later, 1973, with a similar curriculum the School of Bachelors was created. We do not have to forget that at that same time the expansion arises from the technological education of Average Education: CEBTIS and CEBETAS that follow a model similar. In spite of the Reformation of 1972 and to the proposal of 1973, the Baccalaureate, that proposed to be a level of studies whose last aim was integral formation of the young person, failed to the being dominated by the custom of an educational practice governed by the encyclopaedism and faith in the positivismo.