Now the pupils with intellectual deficiency to be in the regular school and also if socializing, what he comes increasing its pertaining to school success. We want that the educandos have pertaining to school success, that they create an identity.

The evaluation of the pupils is useful, therefore the test is a way to classify, to segregate and to exclude, the test is an exclusion process, therefore we do not have schools for all. clearly, to use the potential of the pupils, so that thus let us can have an education of quality, another question, Moambique became independent in 1975, where the gratuitousness of the education is of 1 and 7 series. The implantation of the Special Education is difficult, had to me the suitable formation of professors and schools its pupils. NBA is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Although terms only 35 years of independence, Moambique is in evolutivo process in question of the education. Four schools only exist special, being one of intellectual deficiency. Professors enough do not exist to take care of the demand. Preconception: still the segregation exists, therefore the parents think that the deficiency is contagious, dementia, madness.

parents do not leave the children with deficiency to frequent the school, in this country exist the resistance of escolarizar the deficient ones, either for the ignorance. Then for this the parents use ways of compensation. The schools are precarious, the professors are not specialized. Many illiterate people.

Physical Education

The inclusion does not take care of only the children with deficiency, but also the excluded ones or discriminated how many times in classrooms when organizing works in groups, the girl gordinha or the black boy had been isolated for the colleagues? in the lesson of Physical Education, how many they had been ignored by not being exmios players? The discrimination does not occur only between students, many times the evaluations serves more to see who if it incases in the standards of ideal pupil of what to measure the progress of each one. We can conclude exactly, observing that the modern time has witnessed a movement in the recovery direction and valuation of the identities of the people in its different aspects, cultural, historical, religious and physicists. The recovery and the valuation of the identities are a rich and beneficial process that can give to the people most sensible its existence and to open way for new conquests. Nowadays the special Education is understood as the education modality that has as objective to break the barriers that hinder the child to exert its citizenship, when if the first thought speaks in benefits that the inclusion brings, that appears is of that the people with deficiency have more possibilities of if developing, but in the truth all gain when exercising the tolerance and the respect, is needs to have contact with these children to see that difficult not to deal with them, the children also perceives how much it is necessary to observe and to respect the necessities of the friends. One of the great solutions Schools to be able them to work with the inclusion are the partnerships and thus to guarantee a good attendance, normally in the normal schools they do not exist specialized attendance, but all the children with deficiency frequent specialized institutions that work in partnership with the schools. .

Educating Our Children

We must recognize that we as parents have a responsibility to educate our children and we can not undo it, even if we wanted. The attempt to deliver it in the hands of others will always lead to failure because it violates the universal laws which are established on the welfare of the family unit. Once parents are aware of the important role to play in the lives of their children, will also be prepared to make the necessary changes in the education of them. A father and recognizes the authority that God has bestowed on their children, will also be able to prepare for a successful life. Marc Lore may find this interesting as well. Define what success means a life. It can be very different from one family to another and all definitions are respectable. What is important is that parents have a clear vision and know what is the goal toward which they want to get to prepare their children for adulthood.

The easiest is to go with the flow and assume that it is headed in the right direction. It is not something Doug McMillon would like to discuss. But that is not always so. It is therefore very important to start thinking "outside the box", being the "box" set of paradigms that we have before a given topic, in this case the proper preparation of our children to have a secure life, full and it is a blessing to their generation. It's what we did ten years ago when we started to educate our children at home and discovered several key ingredients that gave us excellent results in the education of our children. .


No one can read our thoughts, at least not yet. But scientists can guess what language we think! Even before we said the word, they can keep track of, say whether we in the native language, and how well we own foreign. For more specific information, check out Marc Lore. More, researchers studied a group of 15 interpreters and found big differences in brain activity in the moments when the subjects spoke in their native language and foreign language. sions such as these. Researchers concluded that what As we remember the language in early childhood is very different in character from brain activity how we learn language as an adult. All translators were investigated by the Italians, and their working language – English – has been developed them to perfection.

During the experiment, the translators have shown cards with words in Italian, English and German. Themselves the subjects were unaware of the purpose of experience, they just follow the instructions to press a button each time together the word on the card comes a certain character. At this time, scientists measured their brain waves, which arise as a response to the recognition of words. It was found that oscillations arise when the subject saw the word in their native language, were several times greater than in response to the word on even known, but a foreign language. This difference is explained by the fact that in an age when a child masters his native language, it gets more and huge amount of rest information about the world – sounds, smells, pictures, basic concepts – all linked to the language at numerous associations.

Basic Education Bentonit

OBJECTIVES: Ahead of the object of research as delimited here, we define as objective generality: To analyze if the partnership enters the Municipal School of Basic Education Bentonit Union and the Bentonit Company Northeast Union Industry and Ltda Commerce is interventionist a participativa relation or in the educational management, identifying to its contributions and/or implications in the pedagogical action of the school. For the reach of this ampler objective, we leave of the following specific objectives: To know the vision pedagogical of the company stops with the school, to point the main forms of performance of the company in the school, to argue the public-private relation in the direction to follow its contributions (or not) for the development of the school, to argue on influence of this partnership in the pedagogical action developed for the school. MATERIAL AND METHODS Correspond to a bibliographical research and of field, including the documentary research. By the same author: Marc Lore. It arrives in port it theoretical was subsidized by Camacho (2011), Comparato (2004), Ferreira and Aguiar (2001), Rasp (2007), Sacristn (2001), Hisses (2006) and Sousa (2000) amongst other official documents as the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education (Law n 9,394/96) and the Federal Law n 11,079/2004, that it specifies the general rules of the public-private partnerships (PPP). The case study Union, located in the City of Good Sight, integrant of the municipal public net of that locality was carried through in the Municipal School of Basic Education Bentonit. The collection of data was operacionalizada through the consultation to documents of the school (Politician-Pedagogical Project of the school with its pertaining to school description and main given of characterization) and of the application of questionnaires to the Manager of the school and four teachers of the initial series of Basic Ensino (one of them is not more teaching in the related school).

As Lowenfeld

One perceives that many times during the basic education, we finish intervening with the artistic activity and creative of the child, always we find that we can intervine and that we are experts of feelings and sensations. For example, when an untied child disordered scribbles in a sheet of paper, we question always it on what she drew, and many times we intervene with the creation process, believing that it not yet established what will be its creation, and that it is only looking firmness in its traces. We observe that many children in an art lesson say that they do not know to draw, but what if she must lead in consideration she is that an art lesson is not only one moment to learn to draw and to color, but yes to liberate the imagination and the capacity of creation of the children. Many professors of the basic education commit great errors when trying to help the children to draw. One form not so appropriate to help the children is when we show as to draw something, therefore in such a way we impose our adult imagination for the child who still is exploring its, beyond inhibiting the creative expression of them. As Lowenfeld the best form to help a child in an artistic activity is motivating its expressions and creations. If it does not have to confuse motivation with compliments, that is, he is not correct to praise everything what the child makes, since the compliment only distributed annuls to its value and the child if it accustoms. Compliments must be used, to stimulate the child, increasing its confidence during the accomplishment of the art and its creative activity. Inside of the process, critical and the compliment gifts will become, but never they must be on the form of as the child carries through some activity and yes referring what she was created, so that these methods come to be constructive and not of desmotivao, also remembering that nor always what pleases in them is of the affability of children.

Term Papers

Some time ago in Internet space ‘infiltrated’ the system ‘Antiplagiat’. Someone is happy (university professors, for example), someone came as a shock (mostly students who are accustomed to a ‘rock’ work, not even glancing at the year of writing and the author, or sculpt a relatively new work, based on several download). Now buzz around this system a little sleep – everyone already knows what’s what. But the problems at undergraduate and postgraduate students from not diminished. Many have decided that now is the only way out – book summaries, , diplomas and dissertations from countless authors, individuals and agencies in the area of information and analytical services. And just for old times’ sake ‘Run’ links on search engines looking for ‘freebies’. A ‘freebie’, I must say, still there in abundance.

Only here at ‘Antiplagiat’ she looks like David to Goliath, but without hope for a repeat of the famous story. C ten to forty percent antiplagiata to the teacher, of course, do not go. Two outputs in this situation – or ‘rewriting’, to paraphrase extracted somewhere in the work, either – again, refer to the authors and agencies working under the order. Else to date is not given Not given? The issue is more than controversial! Changing times and mores of the program – must be changed and the principles of searching the Internet. If earlier it was enough to put in the search string ‘essay free ‘, but today there is reason to search, for example,’ a unique abstract antiplagiat ‘. Or ‘new course antiplagiat’. In addition, it is useful to type in a search engine something like ‘new essay contest antiplagiat’. Let me explain why.

Today there resources that can not refuse, of course, the opportunity to earn extra money, but also offer visitors and ‘trial’ material that is checked on fabled ‘the presence of borrowing. ” And contests ‘Prize’ unique works on some sites now have a place, tested and approved. For the resource itself is a kind of advertising, but for a student or graduate student – a great chance ponostalgirovat for those times when Internet helped study ‘for free’.

Holotropic Breathing

The theoretical part of the training covers the following topics: Holotropic Breathwork as a method of increasing energy efficiency through the release of the unconscious – getting rid of psychosomatic and emotional disorders Holotropic breathing as a method of getting rid of the influence of negative emotions (emotional charge) and physical states in terms of freedom of expression in a controlled, secure environment to switch their skills relation to any events (one of the methods to overcome any crisis) – the analogy of any situations of personal development (firms, enterprises) from birth (perinatal matrix 4) Training skill out of any expectations and the removal of any control Happiness is easy! Finding its integrity through the expansion of the picture describing the world A connected conscious breathing as a separate operation – the prevention of negative emotions Daily practice of: 1. 2 processes in the classical format Holotropic Breathwork by Stanislav Grof (paired sitter – holonavt) 2. Integration experience (drawing mandalas) and discussion of processes (Everyone is talking about his process as long as it sees fit). No one in the group does not discuss other people's processes, and makes no ratings. Holotropic breathing promotes activation of the unconscious to such an extent that it leads to unusual states of consciousness. This new principle in Western psychology, although over the centuries and even millennia, and is used in shamanic healing practice of many nations at various ecstatic ritual of sects in the ancient Mysteries death and rebirth.

In this kind of work, often at the first session, it becomes clear that the roots of psychological problems extend far beyond the events of early childhood and beyond individual unconscious. The basic philosophical premise of Holotropic Breathwork is that the average person in our culture, lives and works at a level far below their potential. This depletion is due what a person identifies himself only with one aspect of your being, your physical body or ego. This false identification leads to an unhealthy, not genuine, and deprived of life achievements, and also causes emotional and psychosomatic disorders of a psychological nature. Applying the method of Holotropic Breathwork not bring their expectations and concepts in the content of the rising material. Worked through to the actual time holotropic session material. This is an important principle of Holotropic Breathwork, and provides its advantages over other methods.


1 Luis Carlos Borges Dos Santos Educators who work with Formal and Not Formal Education has necessity to understand as if it learns, not only for the relationship with its educandos, but also in the direction to help respecting them the limits of each one. This assay has left of some reflections of authors who work in the perspective of the cognitiva learning. The texts on the genetic epistemologia and the construtivismo, of Piaget that he was one of the authors who studied these phases of cognitivo development of the human being. We can to find other authors who say on the genetic epistemologia as Vygotsky and Wallon, where all had been important, the work of Piaget is consecrated and also because it can help to understand in simpler way as the cognitivo development in the human beings occurs. We have more significant studies to assist in the agreement of the learning process. Such as: Ausubel, Novak, Palaces & Zambrano, Pelizzari, Moreira & Buchvyertz. Still on as if it learns we find in the texts and you say in them of educators a phrase: ‘ ‘ learnings significativas’ ‘ , what it will be significant learning and who brought these terms for the education? For the biggest agreement I go to direct the reflections to the studies of David Ausubel, related it with other authors.

Ausubel in 1968 considers a learning theory where education model is the transmission of contents. An important argument for a transmission methodology – reception is of that the biggest source of the knowledge is that one that is transmitted in them and not discovery for us. (Palaces & Zambrano, 1994) According to Palaces & Zambrano (1994) 2 apud Novak (1998, p.26) to learn significantly, the individual must search to relate the new knowledge to the excellent concepts and prepositions that already it dominates.

Brazilian Study

However, if to come back a little in the time, we will know that the education in the distance had its beginning for 1900 return. In this occasion, the radio was used as educational tool, clearly in other countries. In Brazil, education in the distance only came to appear 39 years later, with the Institute Monitorial Radio (1939) and with Brazilian Universal institute (1941), Telecursos, amongst others, that until today are acting and have shown comprometimento with the Brazilian education. We are not here wanting to prove that this method of education is better or worse, in contrast, we only want to show that to the pupil it can usufruct the most varied study form, is enough to have a little of will force, organization and autonomy to study. We can perceive that it is so easy to have access sites of relationships; sites of research, games and other interests on the part of internautas, why not to bet in the universities that offer long-distance courses? We need together with to walk to the new features and advances that the globalization provides in them.

Already it is proven that the quality of education depends much more on the pupils, of the form as if they dedicate to the studies. Also already as much was proven that the universities that offer long-distance courses carry through a work of excellent quality, that is approved by the Ministry of the Education and Culture MEC. From there the importance to have a search in the official site of the MEC for ascertainment if the course that you desire to carry through is really registered. We remember that we do not have to only distrust of the courses online, but also of the actual ones, since all course demands a bureaucratic process entirely to be legal. A thing is certain, must be always intent.

Study it is serious thing. It is what it prepares in them for the world of the work and what of the meaning to our life. It is the study that in provides a comfortable life to them, therefore is by means of the studies that we acquire knowledge to surpass the obstacles that the life places to our front. Therefore, nothing better that to understand the process educational, to walk together with the progress. To distrust of the easinesses, however, not to leave to escape the chances. Independent of the Institution of education that you to choose to study or to indicate for somebody, verify if she is registered, if she possesss all the necessary documentations for its same functioning and will be all correct one in relation to the bureaucracy, goes more beyond, verifies if the Institution mainly has professionals compromissados with the Education and, if it has responsibility in helping the pupil to be independent in the construction of its knowledge and its formation as participativo citizen in the society of which it is part.

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