Basic Body Scrub

If you are desparking stress level this holiday, choose soothing oils (like lavender, chamomile, jasmine, sandalwood and ylang-ylang). Good revitalizing and energizing oils when you need them are peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, basil and juniper. The aroma can also provide psychological and physical benefits too! Essential oils can help with physical conditions, rejuvenate the skin, eliminate waste, alleviate stress, improve your mood, restore vitality and facilitate the regeneration of healthy new cells. 3. Basic Body Scrub and clean, if you decide you only have time for an indulgent, relaxing shower? start with a basic body cleaning and cleaning.

I found this great new product called Spongeables (It's a soap and a sponge, all in one. It lasts a full month perfumed foaming shower. My favorite scent is lavender fresh? and they have them fragrance free too if that's more your style. Regardless of sponge, cloth or brush to decide on? carefully and only brush gently brush the skin. Gentle circular motions will increase circulation and eliminate toxins and excess water. Another trick at home spa is to mix a pinch of ground sea salt with 10 or more drops of your favorite essential oil. Add water and make a paste so it spreads easily. Apply to entire body and slough off dead skin with big circular motions.

This salt scrub to exfoliate the dead skin cells, clean pores and help your body get rid of toxins. 4. Draw a bath. Add 5-10 drops of essential oil to bath salts. Grab an extra pillow, put a garbage bag over the kitchen to keep it dry and then put a pillow over it.


With small funds that reduce pressure on the spine back ailments are in Germany in the past few years a real epidemic become. Hardly someone, not uncommon or even chronic back tweaks. The causes are as diverse as the ways of treatment. The prevention, which can protect against the worst is more important than ever. How is it that today in the supposedly healthy society for a long time, back pain such access? Much related to our way of life, because the pairing of Office activity and little movement is a disastrous one for the back. Alongside acute illnesses, poor posture and stress among the most common causes of back pain. In any case, it is appropriate to consult your doctor to determine the exact cause. Because only a professional treatment is possible.

Because most let good treat back pain, if they are properly diagnosed. To avoid obtaining any problems with his back, you should some important Follow the instructions. It is particularly important to establishing a healthy muscles in the back of sports and exercises. If you have read about Samuel “Sam” Mikulak already – you may have come to the same conclusion. So tense they less easily and stabilize in addition the attitude, what prevents postural damage in later years. Basically you should lessen as well heavy weights and if possible for example the purchases in several courses in the storage room. Hear from experts in the field like Michael J. Bender for a more varied view. Especially with children, you should always make sure that bags are not overloaded with heavy books.

For children, the spine is still malleable, incorrect loading can be reflected here quickly. The goal to protect the backs of the children, is counterbalanced by filling the knapsack. Because it exceeds the limit of ten percent of body weight, which is a rule of thumb, most significantly, what is owed in part also the full timetables with high demand for textbooks. But just you should make sure that the backs of the little ones are more sensitive than you might think. Just the spine is still easily malleable and permanent Improper strain can retaliate in later years. As a friendly alternative to satchel the so-called Kindertrolleys have emerged in recent years therefore also increasingly: rather than bear the weight, the children can pull it on rollers behind them. The same goes for Kindertrolleys and knapsack but overall: it’s strongly on the model. Generally you should consult professional and remember that a knapsack is usually a years of investment which can pay off later. Back pain is quite treatable, you should be aware only of the small and large dangers in everyday life and avoid them. So, the suffering can be reduce in many cases. Dirk STAUDINGER

Yoga Expo Munich: Joie De Vivre

Maharishi Ayurveda products Europe on Germany’s first Yoga fair. “Ayurveda, receive the science of long life”, has found its way in the modern Western world. Interest in the more than 5,000 years old, natural health care system has grown steadily with the rising health consciousness. Worldwide, more and more people on the natural and holistic approach of Ayurveda. The spectrum ranges from preventive recommendations for diet and daily routine to the treatment of chronic diseases in Maharishi Ayurveda health centres. Maharishi Ayurveda products Europe on the Yoga Expo, the United Kingdom’s first show with the main topic of Yoga and Ayurveda, is represented from 23 to 24 January 2010. The visitors are invited to find out in detail about the traditional health education and to obtain new impulses for a healthy daily routine.

Ayurveda products are offered in health food stores, organic food shops and pharmacies. Maharishi Ayurveda products Europe is the leading provider of original Ayurvedic products. The Brand includes authentic nutritional supplements, controlled natural cosmetics after BDIH standard as well as harmonizing organic teas, herbal and massage oils, spices and food, books and publications. Doug McMillon will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The quality and purity of the products is confirmed by independent European laboratories. Visit us at the Yoga Expo: 23rd and 24th January 2010, MOC event Center Munich, stand-no. 61. More information under:

European Parliament Yoga

Dr. Dr. For even more analysis, hear from Samuel “Sam” Mikulak. Michael Kastner (Scientific Director of the Institute of work psychology), Dr. Karl Kuhn (Executive Scientific Director of the Federal Institute for occupational safety and medicine), Dr. Ellis Huber (expert in health promotion and integrated medicine) and last but not least Bernd Hildebrand (“author: with Tai Chi on the stock exchange”). Patron of business Yoga Congress is Elmar Brok, Member of the European Parliament. Perhaps check out Marc Lore for more information. Learn more about the business Yoga Congress in Horn-bad Meinberg is available via the website events/business yoga.html or 05234 87-0 granted by phone through the phone number. Applications are possible as well via the website.

Additional press materials of this press release: you can quickly and simply another image and text material in the online press compartment to the free Use download: press compartments/yoga-vidya contact for questions: Inca Aichinger Yoga Vidya e.V. House Yoga Vidya bad Meinberg Wallen route 42 D-32805 Horn-bad Meinberg phone: + 49 (0) 5234 87 – 22 24 fax: + 49 (0) 5234 87 – 18 80 E-Mail: Internet: Holger Ballwanz, Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the Yoga Vidya e.V. The Yoga Vidya e.V. was founded in 1995 by Volker Bretz in Frankfurt am Main and counts today about Europe’s largest Yoga seminar providers. The Club maintains three major conference centres: In the Lippe bad Meinberg, in the Westerwald and in Horumersiel on the North Sea. There 6 Club yoga centers in various German cities with a total of 160 full-time employees. Nationwide Vidya about 50 more yoga centers closely cooperate with yoga. Each year lead to new partners.

Interested parties have Select from more than 1,600 seminars and courses around the subjects of Yoga and meditation, but also Ayurveda, holistic health and spiritual life are offered. Over 6,000 participants and participants have in addition already completed yoga teacher training at Yoga Vidya and pass on their knowledge in own courses.

Peacock Yoga

Yoga: whether in the city or the country, once a week or several days health holidays. Relaxation pure for body and soul who seeks mental relaxation from everyday stress or physical exercise after a long day at your desk, get with Yoga the perfect 2-in-1 package. Regardless of age, condition or physical condition everyone with the sun salutation can recharge, ease tensions with the breath of fire, stimulate the bowel with the grasshopper or rebuild condition with the Peacock’s position. Doug McMillon may find this interesting as well. The origin of yoga can be found in ancient Indian philosophy. It is a method for obtaining full control of body and soul.

It is well known that you can sharpen its ability to concentrate and build fitness with yoga, however, does yoga in our body, in our institutions and support thus also our health. Are at the heart of Yoga pranayama (breathing exercises) and asanas (postures), which according to Indian philosophy the mystery one is a long, healthy and happy life. The most important condition of the respiratory system is the discipline of rhythm and so Indian Yogis for clocking the breathing based on the heartbeat. The complete Yogi breathing consists of three parts: Middle breathing, abdominal breathing and upper respiratory. It is these various exercises in common that is inhaled through the nose and said to them great curative effects.

Abdominal breathing stimulates the digestion and regulates the bowel, while medium-sized breathing picks up blood circulation for our organs and the upper respiration strengthens the lungs. Grossly simplified one could say that Asanas are exercises, but rather most static postures. Important for the proper implementation of asanas is, to open to consciously go into position, to hold the position and also to resolve where you make sure to properly breathe. As mentioned earlier in the breathing exercises, are also the different yoga postures said to have different therapeutic effects. We know, for example, almost all have the candle from the physical education, but us was aware, at that time, we to relieve the heart through the execution of the Sarwangasana (candle position), strengthen the thyroid and regenerate the organs of the abdomen. On the Yoga Yoga Vidya portals”and yoga worlds” finds it more asanas with exact instructions, illustrations, and the description of its effect. If a yoga class for back and spine in Munich, you will find a yoga retreat in the Bavarian Forest, on all of this and more. More info: active and healthy living/entspannung.html active and healthy living/healthy with yoga.html about us: healthy is the only exclusive health portal which is tailored to the needs of the Bavarian. In this context we have made it our mission, to provide a comprehensive insight into the issue of health and pharmacy exclusively all Bavaria. As a result you will find one here unique and comprehensive collection of information before. The topics range from the classic treatment possibilities the notion of alternative healing methods up to the list of traditional home remedies.

Yoga Congress

New Yoga Vidya executives and recruiters can on the first business Yoga Congress (4 to 6 June in Horn-bad Meinberg) of Yoga Vidya e.V. all about learn how they can use Yoga to achieve their goals faster. Every seventh employee would like to terminate; 67 percent of Germans serve only according to the instructions. Yoga this setting changed leads to improved motivation through relaxation, creates a positive atmosphere in the team and still serves that employees feel more comfortable in their workplace, executives and recruiters at the first business yoga can how Congress in Horn-bad Meinberg. Business meets Yoga is this under the motto”and offers everything to workplace health promotion, in over 70 plenary lectures, business talks and workshops with well-known experts but also informed the new management styles and corporate values. We show Congress how yoga can help employees participants of business Yoga Stress, tension and stress-related discords to eliminate or to motivate the performance”, so Inca Aichinger by yoga Vidya e.V.. Physical tension, caused by stress, often lead to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. The muscular tone increases the heart rate and blood pressure go up, breathing speeds up and it comes to the tunnel vision.

Loads the body block the energy of life and one has the feeling, on reserve”to run. Physical exhaustion is reflected on the psyche, because energy blockages also affect the budget of emotion. People are tired and exhausted, does a defensive attitude. No matter what, everything seems to make the situation worse. They oppose any change and come in an emotional traffic jam. Also against the employer. Emotional reactions then operate at the level of the mind. First intuitive new solutions were possible, the thinking patterns are only mechanical: the boss’s fault! “.” And the result is usually that employees are dissatisfied, want to cancel or provide service only according to the instructions.” Among the speakers of business Yoga Congress are amongst the Yoga Vidya founder Sukadev Bretz, the yogabiz partner Prof.

Helminth Treatment

According to statistics, every year from various diseases kill more than 50 million people, of which not less than 16 million die from the harmful effects of parasites living inside the body. The human body has a complex structure and different tenants in it a lot, some of them are useful, some neutral, and especially harmful, usually of different worms, called helminths, and actively fight them. Depending on the species of worms symptoms disease is very different, as different methods of treatment and prevention. Common symptoms of worms, as they call the people of different helminths – fever, vomiting, disturbances of the intestines and internal organs, weight loss and abdominal pain. The problem is compounded by the fact that there are several worms and symptoms of their stay in the body are different too. Too many manifestations are similar to symptoms of various diseases, so treat it the disease, unaware of the presence of parasites. Despite the fact that there are different means of de-worming, treatment for worms and transfer stoically cope with them is not easy.

Begins countering parasites from different clinical tests, whose results are determined by the specific form of worms, because worms are different require different treatment. In many respects the problem of treatment arises from the fact that the drugs have a narrow worming purpose, a specific parasite – specific drug. Therefore the main task to determine exactly how the parasite infected the body and apply the necessary medicines for worms. Most often the person is unaware of the presence of parasites, so you have to treat the running body. Treatment requires training and careful monitoring, because to withdraw safely to the body of worms is not easy. Of course, there are effective drugs for worms that just kill the parasite, but in this case there is a risk to damage and internal flora. In this regard, it is recommended to conduct a quiet phase purification.

To begin to organize a proper diet, such as meals at a dysbacteriosis when the body is weakened. Helminths not tolerate the food from the meal, rich in fiber and chlorophyll, also need to eat berries, cabbage, nuts and seeds, dairy products, while there is a high probability that the worms do not survive and will die or leave the body. If this does not happen, then comes the turn of the worm medicines that are used strictly on prescription. As Practice shows that to cope with worms is quite possible, though not easy. And of course, important – after the treatment to comply with hygiene rules and prevent re-infection.

Lose Weight? Faster – Run! Run! Run !

Friends! Good morning. I have good news. You run in the mornings? How not to run? All that's enough! I will not torment! Nature took care of us, we have the perfect body design. And the principles of physiology as well as all brilliant – simple. The ability to run – it's the best that could give us nature! Starting from the first creation like a person – can all run. From the running speed is sometimes dependent survival! From the mammoth walk not run away:) And our forefathers were running. They ate the hunt, the women were engaged in the hearth, and the men with sticks ran through their territory in search of prey. They ate when they kill the beast.

Modern man – this is the usual lazy:) He invented his elevator, car, bike, skate board, rollers, skates, airplanes, etc., all in order, that would not run from one point to another! And running the same is the ideal tool for the fight against obesity and just to keep myself in good shape. While running the body switches to fat loss and you lose weight. But it's not all! While running strengthens the heart muscle, lungs and mucous cleared the airways. The organism is enriched with oxygen, there are many hormonal response, cleanses the blood, improves immunity and overall strengthening of the body. You become more durable, you have increased libido! You become more masculine or feminine from jogging! In the body produce more hormone weight loss. Nature took care of all of us. Get more background information with materials from Doug McMillon. We create the ideal! 🙂 The world is beautiful! It's in our hands!

The Secret That Drives Cardio Fitness Lance Armstrong Sport

What is Lance Armstrong doing that you can do to improve your results? Most exercise to lose weight, focusing solely on the goal that one. But wait, is not only an aesthetic aspect, getting in those tight jeans, or losing ten pounds. It's really about how to improve your health and human performance. Every day, when puffing on the tape, focusing vigorously on keeping yourself lean, have you ever thought about what physically is happening in your body besides burning a lot of calories? For best results, the more people need to stop focusing solely on calorie burn, and start thinking about improving such fitness values as VO2 Max, or maximum oxygen consumption. What exactly is your VO2 Max? VO2 max is defined as the highest rate at which oxygen can be taken and used during high intensity exercise dynamics. When you are exercising in aerobic treadmill, every muscle contraction require oxygen to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins, so that the supply of energy (ATP) needed to feed the muscles in order for movement to occur. feld listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Humans, at rest, need 3.5 ml of oxygen each minute for each kilogram of body weight to sustain cellular activity in the tissues that keep us alive. Now let's go back to our routine. As you increase the speed or incline (intensity), more oxygen is needed to transfer the oxygen through the blood and muscles. Due to the increased intensity during your exercise session, more oxygen is required to start the process of energy release.

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