
Open letter to the Chancellor with a range of interesting dear Chancellor. I supported very you, so that you win the election and be our first Chancellor. I’ve dedicated even a column titled you and your election success: success do sexy, sensual and full of life. I find smart, charming in dealing you with the politicians from all over the world, have clout and know what you want. Only it seems to me, you currently don’t know what want the German people, and therefore it is time to resurrect and change direction.

We need role models. We need encouragement. We need to feel that we are like living Germans in Germany. We need we feel more together and not against each other. But above all, we need courage to look ahead, to tackle it, bring economic and income again in the correct flow. We need the feeling: we will succeed and all tackle with.

I miss it all lately very painful for you, with all due respect, ladies and Chancellor. For this reason I tightened my boxing gloves to me, put me on my Indians hat and want to get in the ring with you. You certainly know, the Indians go into the forest and fight with the spirit. A very good philosophy of life. But sometimes it is needed the boxing gloves, talking to plain text and to set something in motion. Like I wants to teach positive box beats our countrymen and our country with you in the personal blows, so that we can laugh again, promote vitality and further fuel not food and fear for the future. Like I bring a few boxing gloves you to our exchange of blows, so you feel like you can make a difference to. Of course am also willing to elect me as the next Chancellor of my compatriots and to rise in this area with you into the electoral ring. Many advise me since a long time politician to be, because I have the courage to say where it will burn and feel afraid. I put me already as a child and young people who have no lobby, and fought also for many years as a journalist for this. Show courage, show the greatness that lies within you and let us together boxes for a better human world and for a happier and have Germany with a nation that is proud on its Chancellor. I look forward to their offer of appointment to the slugfest with joyful anticipation. My satirical, yet ernstgemeinstes offer… Best wishes from Dusseldorf Susan Heat Love & life consultant, Buchatuorn, TV-Erperting, Ambassador for joy of life and the art of living. Convinced optimist and excellent courage maker –

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