And in relation to global measures taken against tax havens? We understand that there is a contradiction, to clean up from scratch. Some people figure the underground economy in Spain around 200,000 million euros. And others, who argue that the “hole real estate” of the banks is around 100,000 million. Let the reader draw their own conclusions about the possible benevolence of this proposal. Maybe there was even a side effect that should be analyzed. If allowed access to bonds by foreign investors, it is likely that capital would come to our call to our European neighbors, users of the same coin. Could they then accuse us of dumping? This is suggested by my colleague, the attorney Felix Bornstein, who has discussed this same issue every time and in 2003 studied the Schroeder government opportunity to reorganize the German treasury.
Possibly yes, since capital movements could be a priori assumed enormous. But we must not forget that every country has its idiosyncrasies, and its role may or may not afford certain licenses. As Bornstein review, the armaments minister Albert Speer, in late 1944, when the defeat of Nazi Germany was now irreversible, called to arms to thousands of civil servants who left their management positions and joined the military. Especially noteworthy was the case with the bureaucracy of the Ministry of Finance, who flocked to the various war fronts. What explains this mass mobilization, in theory, left unguarded one of the vital centers of the State and the Administration of the Third Reich? While the answer seems incredible, the civil administration was not paralyzed because, quite simply, the Germans continued to pay, on a voluntary and spontaneous, their taxes in the midst of disaster and chaos, and much of the tax offices damaged or destroyed during the fighting. That conviction hacendistica arrives in that country today. However, Spain have in the field fraudster his Latin, and different historical situations, require different corrective measures. And speaking in “romantic knight:” Let’s do it ourselves before someone else does.