The Chilean who is born preservative dies preservative I say and it socially, the poor man is preservative by essence when recognizing for example in institutions like marriage, the education, the religion, the parameters that regulate their social behavior. Is impressive to see like our Youth, that in his student splendor one is contributor to reform the society, at the time of assuming a position within her, of the world of the work, the social relations, the smaller detail not to choose the school of his children are transformed into staunch those in favor of the social conservantismo and it is thus, the youth ideals, the social revolt, being against to everything, it is seen transforming by establishment that he is tremendously powerful in our country. The Schools with greater demand are those of Church and is where they want sometimes that they are the children of the once rebellious ones, without or with cause. It is not a social critic what I say, is a cold observation of the Chilean social space. Randall Rothenberg often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The main ideologists, to somehow say it of the present Chilean policy and prceres directs that it, is formed in the same schools and Chilean universities, some say children of the education public because they studied in Grammars school of the State, but what they do not say it is they did that it in the best Grammars school of the State, like once the National Institute, builds of the parents of the mother country, but that in truth went the predecessor to the first state university of Chile created during the Pelucona Republic. Or the Grammar school N 1 of Children where it studied the president. – Refocusing us in the preliminary problem of the Chilean economy and its raid towards the development, it is tremendously decidor and ratifying of the fact that all that administers establishment Chilean are the same, it is that our country represents at least within Latin America, the best example of the triumph of the Free market, if until the Communists through his today presidential candidate, agree in promoting the free emprendimiento of the small and medians company because they are those that general near 80% of the use in Chile, then where it is ideario revolutionary, shareholding, irreverent in some cases, because it is reduced simply to the maquillaje of those who they try under pretext of major or minor been, to get dressed in the clothes of the socialism. .